The Rise of Veganism!

The word vegan was not a new one for me. However, it was only recently that I stopped to think about it and what it really means. I was inspired by two family members who have recently embarked on this journey of veganism. They make it look so easy (and delicious) that I decided that doing some research on it would not only be interesting but even beneficial. 

As the years go by, more research is done on what we consume on a daily basis and its effects on our mind, body and surroundings. Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of what feed their bodies, and this has resulted in the so-called "rise in veganism". 

A vegan is plain terms is a person whose diet does not include any animal products like meat, dairy etc. A vegan, if asked the question "Why go vegan?", will probably give you a set of reasons. One of the reasons is obviously for the animals. This for them is the main reason to change to a vegan lifestyle and stick to it religiously. The Vegan Society says that having emotional attachments with animals may have an influence on this type of reasoning. In addition to this, it is also one of the most effective ways to put a stop to animal cruelty. Other reasons they opt for this kind of lifestyle are to decrease their carbon footprint in hopes of safeguarding the environment and also for their personal health as the consumption of plant-based food will increase nutrients in the body.

When I was doing some research on veganism, I came across a blog called The Food Network Revolution. In a post about veganism, they provided shocking proof that the demand for plant-based food is increasing rapidly. The one that struck me most was how people identifying as vegans in the United States increased by 600% in the last three years. Another interesting one was that veganism was the top searched trend in Canada in 2017 and Canada's food guide released by the Canadian government in 2017 favored plant-based food.

After reading this blog post it becomes very clear that the wave of veganism is expected to keep growing in the coming years. If you stop to think about it, how can it not? Vegans do pretty good job in persuading anyone who tries to convince them otherwise through various documentaries and mouth-watering pictures of their guilt-free food. However, one question remains: how long will it take for them to convince us all?


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